It’s all about Me!
I go by many names… Some call Me Sauron, for I am powerful, evil, cruel and all seeing, especially when using My subs security cameras and such…
Some call Me Princess, for I am cute, adorable, rich, spoiled, lovable brat, and I wrap all servants around My pretty, little finger with ease…
“Demon to some, angel to others” – which will you get? I guess there is only one way to find out
Address Me: MissB. / God / Goddess / Master.
I don’t have one submissive bone in My body, I have always been a leader and inspiration for others in My life, being a Domme gives Me that extra power to express Myself fully in the open and likeminded environment.
I love femdom sessions as much as findom drains. Combination of both gives Me absolute power trip especially when sub goes above and beyond to impress Me with his/hers submission, it leaves Me high for days.
Being sapiosexual you must have some sort of personality for Me to be interested in you as a long term sub, dumb is fun for a minute, but be smart and I will keep you forever Mine!
You can find Me under MissBfindom/MissBelleq/ServeMissB almost everywhere.
Initial tribute should always show sacrifice, make the first impression count: £111++++++++++++++ aka give Me everything!
Repeat after Me x111:
“LESS for me, MORE for Miss B!”
I go by many names… Some call Me Sauron, for I am powerful, evil, cruel and all seeing, especially when using My subs security cameras and such…
Some call Me Princess, for I am cute, adorable, rich, spoiled, lovable brat, and I wrap all servants around My pretty, little finger with ease…
“Demon to some, angel to others” – which will you get? I guess there is only one way to find out
Address Me: MissB. / God / Goddess / Master.
I don’t have one submissive bone in My body, I have always been a leader and inspiration for others in My life, being a Domme gives Me that extra power to express Myself fully in the open and likeminded environment.
I love femdom sessions as much as findom drains. Combination of both gives Me absolute power trip especially when sub goes above and beyond to impress Me with his/hers submission, it leaves Me high for days.
Being sapiosexual you must have some sort of personality for Me to be interested in you as a long term sub, dumb is fun for a minute, but be smart and I will keep you forever Mine!
You can find Me under MissBfindom/MissBelleq/ServeMissB almost everywhere.
Initial tribute should always show sacrifice, make the first impression count: £111++++++++++++++ aka give Me everything!
Repeat after Me x111:
“LESS for me, MORE for Miss B!”

First impression tribute!
Introduction Only!

Better impression tribute!
Beginning of servitude!

Best Impression
Show dedication to serving Me

Entry fee in to discord!